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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shakespeare and Star Wars? An encounter with Ian Doescher's book

Another Shakespeare for kids book—William Shakespeare’s Star Wars

So, I started this blog after being inspired by Ludwig’s How to Teach your Children Shakespeare. I was recently sent (I guess I should confess that I’m an editor of The ALAN Review and we get sent books to review) a Quirk’s book by Ian Doescher. It’s called William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope. I’m not kidding (see above image). It’s an adaptation of the first film in the Star Wars trilogy (okay, I’m a purist—Have you ever heard the song “Why does dad get so mad about Star Wars” song by the Board of Education?—that’s me). Ba

My strategy with Emery (after many failed attempts at getting him to read some of these books I receive) is just to leave them in the back seat of my car. This strategy almost always works. Doescher’s book was a recent book to appear in my car—and Emery is on his second day of actually reading it.

And he likes it.

And so does Victor.

In fact as I write this, the two of them are exchanging lines about protocol droids and C-P30.

Here’s an recent exchange.
Me: No need have I of droids with protocol.
Victor: Is that Uncle Owen?

Okay, how in the heck does he know that? It’s so random.

Then, Emery who’s reading in bed comes out and asks us to listen to
Emery: --Me punna tydna ding. Beep squeak!

He’s impressed with how Doescher can make Jawa sound Shakespearian.

Now, do I think this was good timing? Absolutely. After a week’s worth of reading MABN I can only think that the rhythm of Shakepeare’s language has come through—maybe the recitations also had something to do with it. I’m curious to see if he will actually finish the book, but he’s almost at act ii—and Doescher plans for some sequels. (see this link for curriculum guides and additional information—Deoscher had middle schoolers in mind for his work, but as usual, it all depends on the kid).

In the meantime, do you blog or have some other type of account? I need to think of a way to merge my pathetic efforts on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/14771390 with this blog? Is double-posting considered plagiarism?  

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