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Saturday, October 12, 2013

DoctorProfessorMom Goes to New York Comic Con

A sand castle sculpture of the castle in the Nintendo Game, Zelda: Wind Waker
I think that's a security guard behind it. 

Wow, what a day. I’ve seen a Quidditch Match hosted by the NYC league, a sneak preview of an origin story for a character in the Legend of Korra, walked in an impromptu zombie parade (by accident), skipped ahead in line, played a preview level of Super Mario Bros 3D World, walked to the Nintendo store to buy Pokemon Y (to avoid the hour-long line in the exhibit room) and sat through a panel on zombie animals comics to be first in line for a panel on Nintendo communities.

I’ll probably come back and report a bit more of the details, but right now, I’m too exhausted.

Emery’s comments—I’m too exhausted to even comment. 

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