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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions

Emey's Nintendo Calendar for 2014

Of course we have resolutions in my family.

The way I have made my New Year’s resolutions has evolved over the years. First, I used to make a list of vague resolutions such as “lose weight” or “save money.” That approach never lasted long. Then, I learned to make more specific resolutions like “exercise three times a week” or “save $25 each month.” That seemed to work better. Then, I heard a radio show (it might have been on a Christian radio station during a long car ride) where it was suggested that instead of making a list of resolutions one chose a word to live by for that year, such as “joy” or “love.”

Taking a word approach worked well for a while. My favorite year was the year I chose “thanks.” I focused on giving thanks and being thankful and chose to do and say things that reflected that concept. I tried that format again this year by choosing the word “celebrate.” I had just gotten tenure, turned forty, etc. It seemed like it would be a good word, but I gave it up by the middle of the year and switched my word to “think.”

Well, I can’t seem to find a word this year (I narrowed it down to “gratitude” and “support” but neither seem right), so it seems as if it’s time to change things again.

When Victor and I asked Emery about his resolution for this year (I think his resolution last year was to write neater) he said “Stay on top of things.” Today, Victor decided his would be “Get it down.” I like the idea of having a mission statement guide one’s thoughts and actions for the next year. Both have been posted to the side of the refrigerator. Now, I just have to come up with mine. . . 

Emery's  comment: support. she needs to do support. not just for others but for herself.

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