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Monday, May 27, 2013

Could Gore Vidal inspire my 9-year-old son to read MND?

Could Gore Vidal inspire my 9-year-old son to read MND?

So, tomorrow starts the MND unit. I was exploring the web’s resources this weekend, in particular, the BBC’s site and the Folger’s Shakespeare site. I like the BBC for its really engaging resources and lessons (we used them last year and my son and husband laughed too hard to actually learn anything) and was hoping to find a Bitesize version of MND. Unfortunately, they didn’t have one, but if you haven’t seen these videos, they are hilarious.

The Folger’s site was good, but it was hard to read and navigate the site with my nieces clamoring for attention (I was at my mom’s this weekend). One useful tidbit I did pick up was that you can teach Shakespeare without having to teach about his life and his times and the Globe and everything else. That makes me feel great and honestly if I can just keep my kid from hating Shakespeare or feeling intimidated by his language, I’ll feel successful. (Again, I haven’t yet justified why Shakespeare yet, but I will eventually).

So, tomorrow I’ll reflect on our opening lesson. But I decided on two important things—1. A recording we’ll use (Ian McKellen’s) and 2. Which film to watch.

I think based on Gore Vidal’s introduction and praise of Mickey Rooney, we’ll watch the 1935 version.

Okay, what 10-year-old stumbles upon Shakespeare? As a matter of fact, what kid stumbles upon Dickens or Austen and falls in love with these authors? And why do these people grow into authors? The only thing Emery stumbles upon is the latest video game or flip note. Victor found Tolkien through a family friend, I found my books through my English teachers telling us not to read particular works because they were too “risqué.” But how many kids really grow to love Shakespeare through a project with their mom? 

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