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Saturday, August 17, 2013

The First Weeks of School

 Last week was the first week of school for the kids, and one of my most favorite weeks of the year. I love getting ready for things—writing proposals for projects, pulling together a course, plotting out my semester—with the hopes that this time I won’t be overwhelmed, fall behind, or get distracted.

But, that means my son started school last week. And, as we were told repeatedly during parents’ night, it’s time for our children to be more independent. Which is why I probably shouldn’t have spent most of one evening on the phone with another parent in his class trying to get him registered for Kahn Academy.

But this is not a blog post on Kahn; I will write one at some time, but as of right now, the need to complete lessons on Kahn interferes with just about everything else. So, here some pieces of advice for starting the school year—you know most of them, but they serve as good reminders (maybe Emery will offer some of his own).

1.     Reinstall a good sleep routine. I’m very strict on bedtimes, even in the summer, Emery kept his school sleep hours—with very few exceptions. At this age, what’s a kid doing out of bed after 8 anyway? (We don’t have much of a social life). It makes transitioning to back to school hours so much easier.
2.     Keep outside commitments during the first week to a minimum. Okay, I broke this rule this year as Emery is in a local Playmakers' production of Seussical: The Musical and has had rehearsals every night from 5-8 (which has interfered with his 8 o’clock bedtime).
3.     Clean off that study area and set up for the school year. Yep, we’re in the process of clearing off the desk in our kitchen to set up the homework station—pens, pencils, books, calculator, stapler, tape, etc.
4.     As a former teacher, I think it’s important for a parent to always be aware of what’s going on at school—what will your child be reading and/ or studying this year? Then, maybe read one of the books they read (I just read The Lemonade War—Emery’s first independent book for the year—I was able to read it in one sitting), rent a movie on the topic from your library, tell them how you learned to divide double digit numbers. I don’t know yet if these conversations work, but it’s fun to learn about the Mayans again.
5.     I’m a firm believer in car conversations as I’ve heard these tend to be the places our children open to us. Albeit, sometimes I have to interrupt Emery in mid-thought to navigate construction.  

I asked my husband for his advice, and it once again reveals my bad tendencies as a mom to focus more on the extracurricular than the curricular.

Victor’s advice: Don’t let your wife jam a bunch of other stuff in your kid’s life when you should be focused on grades.

Emery’s side: last week was the first week of school for us kids , and one of my least favorite  weeks. I hate getting ready for school. Plus mom  broke rule 2!!! (more than you know.) I also get giant binders that barely fit in my back pack. While I write this I wonder. Will I be able to switch  costumes quick enough?

What advice do you have for a successful back to school endeavor?

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