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Monday, December 9, 2013

Book #7 Alexander Gordon Smith’s The Fury

Here are the U.S. and U.K covers for The Fury

The Fury is the name three adolescents give to the unknown force behind the cause for everyone trying to kill them. Literally, these few adolescents are relentlessly attacked by huge mobs of people for no apparent reason, and they try to hide from those affected by The Fury. I don’t know if this book is the first in a series, but I’ve seen the #1 next to the title on some websites.

And, no, all humankind has not become zombies. In fact, the reason for The Fury is quite interesting as is how the heroes of the story battle it. I’m just not sure the story needed to be told in 681 pages. That’s not quite right; I don’t think the final battle scene needed to be as long as it is and while I did not skip pages, I did read through them rather quickly (especially since I wanted to see what happened to some of the characters). For me, the more interesting bits are the back stories of the adolescents who team up to fight (somewhat reluctantly) The Fury. But, I am probably not Smith’s intended audience.  

Alexander Gordon Smith is a successful UK author and has been compared to Stephen King and I might try reading Lockdown as it too sounds like an interesting premise. According to his website, he visits schools frequently and I can attest to his skills as a speaker—I heard him speak at ALAN.

Horror is not necessarily my favorite genre, but there are a few books I’ve enjoyed in this genre—Monstrumologist and The Thin Executioner are two of them.

What horror titles do you enjoy? 

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