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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Just another example of how nerdy my family is

For the third year in a row, I’ve helped host (along with my students) a book battle at a local library. It wasn’t my idea originally, but basically teens put together teams to answer questions about popular young adult books. It’s basically like one of those trivia nights you see in bars sometimes. In organizing the event, my students learn what teens are reading these days and just how motivated they are at answer questions about books for simple rewards like bragging rights and pizza.

This year I allowed my son to participate even though he’s technically one year away from being eligible (the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series were two of the five series chosen). He had a blast.

My husband apparently felt a little left out because the very next day, a Tech-Free Thursday (see earlier post), he made his own trivia questions on The Hobbit (which he and Emery saw tonight) and Lord of the Rings. Who on earth remembers the names of the ponies brought along on the trip or the tavern at which they first stop (The Prancing Pony, hmmm. .  . another pony question). Anway, the success and fun of that night led to Emery’s making his own Spongebob trivia quiz (equally as hard as Victor’s). Which led me to offer to make Harry Potter questions for a Harry Potter themed dinner next week. And that’s what happens in families in which both parents have masters in English, although shouldn’t we be writing questions about Shakespeare? Maybe we are just nerds.

Anyway, if you have suggestions for Harry Potter questions, I’ll take them. But, make them as hard as Emery’s question “What is the name of the crook Sandy dreams about during in hibernation?” (which prompted Victor to point out that she dreams about two crooks, sigh, I didn’t stand a chance.)

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